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United: Thoughts on Finding Common Ground and Advancing the Common Good by Cory Booker

Cory Booker’s recent rise to political celebrity enticed me to learn more about his ascent and contributions as a public servant. This book, United is a selection of stories across his political career that portray his exceptional character, grace, humility, and effectiveness as a leader who has enacted real positive change in New Jersey communities, most specifically Newark.

Cory weaves together many of the complicated issues that plague the historic city of Newark, revealing the connections between them and their existence across American society. These connections strengthen his fundamental point that we as individuals are also interdependent on each other, and the only way forward is to unite communities on the platform of advancing common good and finding common ground.

This book is enlightening and uplifting, and wields the power to inspire the inactive to take action. I have been thinking a lot about how I can make a positive impact in my own community, and United has inspired me to continue learning and begin searching for opportunities to get involved.